Your Handbook to Summer Invitations

It’s that time of year again!

Summer is back and we are thrilled! Not only because it just so happens to be our favorite season, but because Covid Restrictions are freeing up, it’s a summer unlike any before. Now that we are able to start gathering together safely again, it’s time to celebrate with this summer’s hottest events.

...and of course, some summer-spectacular invitations!

We want to kick off the season with a little gift to you - The Summer Invitations Handbook:

Pool Parties

Nothing screams summer more than pool parties (and ice cream, duh!)

Instead of traditional summer or pool themed invitations, we want to try something new: Invitations AT the Pool.

We got to thinking, why not bring the best part of pool parties to your invitation design? For example, include goggles and beach balls in with your invitation. I mean, who can splash and play in the pool without all the proper supplies, right? Here are some of our favorites:



Summer wouldn’t be complete without a barbecue.

Since backyard barbecues tend to be a popular summer activity, we have a wonderful variety of invitation styles, but one thing tends to be true- on brand invitations never fail to impress.

I mean, how cute is this red ribbon and piglet? Top it with a checkered tablecloth and it will feel like no time passed since your last (pre-pandemic) BBQ event.


But, we always love to add something special to our invitations (as you may know), so here is our baby shower-backyard barbecue blend. What do you think?


Birthday Parties

Speaking of babies, birthdays, and celebrations - if your child has a summer birthday, you know what that means: The stakes are high for party planning.

Summer birthdays always have the best birthday parties after all, right? We think so.

Remind them with this fun watermelon inspired invitations:


Summer Weddings

Summer will forever be a popular wedding season. And we can’t blame you! With everything in full bloom, vibrant colors, and perfect weather, it's pretty hard to believe you wouldn’t want to have your wedding in summer.

Embrace the natural beauty of summertime with these bright, floral invitations:

Want to get started on your summer invitations today? Give us a call.